Well isn’t this an exciting time of year for us online sellers! The holidays hustle and bustle is officially here and 2015 is almost over, which means it’s the perfect opportunity to give our eBay stores a strong sales boost before starting our preparations for 2016. One of the most powerful techniques to increase traffic […]
eBay’s 2015 Fall Seller Update
If you sell on eBay, you need to be aware of certain changes taking effect this fall in the areas of Returns, the new Seller Hub and Standards. Here’s a look at what to expect. Returns eBay Sellers will continue to have the choice of handling returns on their own or via eBay’s automated returns […]
6 Pitfalls to Avoid When You’re Selling on Amazon
Amazon.com has set strict rules for e-commerce sellers, and if you break those rules, you could find yourself suspended or terminated from using the popular marketplace. If you want to reap the benefits of selling on Amazon, here are 6 pitfalls to avoid. Pitfall 1: Not paying attention to price parity. Your selling agreement with […]
How DIM Weight Pricing Will Impact Amazon’s FBA Fees in 2015
To reflect the changing costs of fulfillment, transportation and customer service, as well as to align with recent industry standard changes such as dimensional (DIM) weight pricing changes – Amazon.com will be adjusting certain fees for its Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program. If large-but-light items are part of your Amazon FBA product line, here’s what […]
eBay Raises Shipping Caps on Media: What You Need to Know
Do you sell media on eBay? Here’s a heads-up that the marketplace has raised its shipping caps in some media categories, and what you as a seller need to know about the changes. The Basics eBay first set media shipping caps in 2008, explaining that the limits were fair and in line with e-commerce competition. […]
Packages Not Delivered By eBay’s Global Shipping Program
eBay’s Global Shipping Program gives e-commerce sellers access to buyers worldwide, with tools that make it simple to sell internationally by shipping via a U.S. center. This means once you ship the package to the eBay warehouse, eBay reships it to the international destination and manages all customs forms, duties and taxes for you. This convenience […]
Using eBay’s Seller Dashboard To Track Your Positioning
As of August 20, 2014, eBay’s updated seller standards are in effect, including a brand new seller dashboard. Designed to display status for current and future evaluation cycles, the new dashboard can pinpoint where your account needs some fine-tuning, plus highlight what you’re doing right. From sales amounts and history to closed cases without seller […]
[Infographic] Amazon Turns 20!
Launched on July 16th 1995, Amazon has grown to become one of the leading online marketplaces in the world today. Curious to learn about Amazon‘s Founder and CEO, Jeff Bezoz and how he started the company? Read on for more info! Can’t see the infographic? View it here (use your browser zoom to enlarge). Download this infographic. Embed […]
3 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Fulfillment By Amazon
“You sell it; we ship it,” touts Amazon.com on its Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) information page. What exactly does this mean? In a nutshell, the service allows sellers like you to store your products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers, and when you make a sale, Amazon handles shipping, handling and customer service – not you. FBA […]
10 Tips to Grow Sales on Amazon
Amazon is one of the first places multitudes of shoppers look for when making a purchase — whether it is a book or clothing or soup or household appliances, Amazon has got it all. Now more than ever, securing your foothold in the Amazon marketplace can mean big things for your e-commerce site. Looking to grow your sales? […]