Pinterest for Social Selling – The Latest!

570x102_top-rated-header2Top Rated Seller Webinars is a monthly webinar series helps eBay sellers grow sales and become more successful. Presenters include eBay staff, e-commerce experts and application companies.

Pinterest is the fastest growing social media site in history. This advanced webinar will explore recent changes on Pinterest for professional users who want to use it to promote their business. The session will review Pinterest’s “New Look” and review feature changes that have been recently released. Viewers should already have a basic understanding of Pinterest.

A few of the things you’ll learn:

  • The difference between business and personal accounts, and how to convert
  • How to maintain a business and personal presence
  • Group Boards and how to use them as a marketing tool
  • Tracking your success with analytics and scores
  • Plus much more!

sandi-garciaPresented by Sandi Garcia (“Social Sandi”), Top-Rated Seller, Silver Power Seller, and owner of

Top Rated Seller Webinars is sponsored by Stamps.comPage MageeBay Radio, and GoDaddyBookkeeping.