What’s All This Fuss About Social Marketing? … And How Do Online Marketplace Sellers Get Started?
We have heard various numbers about the size and growth of social networks. According to Experian Marketing Services, Internet users spend 27% of their time on social networking. We all know over 1 billion people use Facebook. And Pinterest is skyrocketing. Importantly for online marketplace sellers, global social commerce revenues are forecast to go from $9 billion in 2012 to $39 billion in 2015.
To quote Seth Godin, “How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of one of the greatest shifts of our generation?” While social media marketing may not be suitable for every business, you should learn about it and determine if it’s right for your business, your structure, the products you’re selling, and your goals. Businesses should always be looking for ways to get more revenue and grow. And social media is providing great new possibilities.
So what is social media marketing? It’s many things:
Social listening – to those you want to sell to, your customers, your competition.
Publishing – providing content of value to those you want to be aware of your company and products.
Customer service – responding to customer issues and requests.
Social commerce – As Wikipedia describes it, “the use of social network(s) in the context of e-commerce transactions.”
Let’s look at the social commerce area specifically since that’s what is probably most important if you sell on eBay, Amazon, Etsy, or other platforms. There are plenty of challenges to getting started and succeeding. It can be overwhelming and confusing. If you haven’t started yet, it’s tough to figure out where to begin. If you have started, you might not know what to do next. More importantly, you might be doing a little or a lot but not sure if it’s working.
Check out a new social media marketing tool called Social Beacon, which is designed specifically for online marketplace sellers. Social Beacon lets you:
1) Easily promote your eBay, Amazon, or Etsy products across social networks like Facebook and Pinterest.
2) Measure the results so you’ll know what works.
3) Save time with simultaneous and scheduled posts…and more.
Plus you have access to experts guiding you to help learn what you can do to create successful social marketing campaigns. You’ll be sharing your first item in 5 minutes! And it’s completely FREE. Learn more about Social Beacon at Pagemage.com.